The Relationship Between Linked Courses, a High-Impact Practice, and Student Success Rates at East Georgia State College

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The Relationship Between Linked Courses, a High-Impact Practice, and Student Success Rates at East Georgia State College

Ron Denton

East Georgia State College

This case study examines the impact of a student learning community (SLC) that linked sections of two courses, English Composition II (ENGL 1102) and U.S. History II (HIST 2112), on student success rates in the course. Ultimately, students in the sections of the courses in the SLC successfully completed the courses (earned a “C” or higher) at greater rates than those in non-SLC sections. Moreover, students reported additional gains associated with historical thinking. 

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The Relationship Between Linked Courses, a High-Impact Practice, and Student Success Rates at East Georgia State College

Ron Denton

East Georgia State College

This case study examines the impact of a student learning community (SLC) that linked sections of two courses, English Composition II (ENGL 1102) and U.S. History II (HIST 2112), on student success rates in the course. Ultimately, students in the sections of the courses in the SLC successfully completed the courses (earned a “C” or higher) at greater rates than those in non-SLC sections. Moreover, students reported additional gains associated with historical thinking. 

Learn more about Gateway Course Experience® Redesign